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4-1/2" sanding discs for angle grinder.

Sold over 1.2 million discs in Europe.
Roto Grinding disc saves your money and working time.
Red color medium grid GRINDING DISC for sanding or grinding!
Click the link below to watch 2 min. video clip of the Roto Grinding Disc in action:
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This innovative revolutionary ROTO grinding disc for cutting and sanding soft materials such as wood, plastic, rubber, styrofoam etc. by removing particles is used with hand rotation angle grinders. Its construction makes it possible to remove a larger volume, compared to other rotation discs or sandpaper. Its simple installation and do not require special skills or knowledge.
The well-known blades used with angle grinders, such as grinding discs and sandpaper, have certain disadvantages. When cutting soft materials such as wood or plastics with a grinding disc or sandpaper, the removed particles fill the space between the cutting grains, which affects the efficiency of work, increases the friction between the tool and the material, as well as the temperature of the surface you are working on. The filled grinding disc leads to the burned surface and prevents you from further work. The soft material does not allow for the self-sharpening of the blade. A similar problem will appear when using the sandpaper as, except for the above mentioned, it will quickly wear out.
The aim of Revolutionary Discs is to widen the range of tools for cutting soft materials by removing particles. Compared to the known blades for angle grinders, the rotation disc makes the cutting of soft materials more efficient with respect to the amount of removed particles in a time unit. The rotation disc can be easily installed by tightening it on its shaft with the original tightening plate and nut. The kinematics necessary for cutting is achieved by changing the rotation on the grinder between 1.500 and 11.000 rpm.
ROTO GRINDING DISC is made of steel tin, it is 0.7 mm thick and has been thermo-chemically processed. The blades on the working surface of the disc remove the particles and cut. A hole for letting out the removed particles is placed below each line of blades, which prevents the filling of the disc's working area and enables a continuous cutting.
The size of the removed particles depends on the pressure of the tool against the surface and is limited by the size of the blades on the disc. The GRINDING ROTO DISC comes with an angle or rounded surface. The angle one is more suitable for flat and slanted surfaces, while the rounded one is ideal for working on edges, round surfaces etc.
There are three different ROTO discs: WHITE color for coarse sanding or cut, RED color for medium sanding or cut and BLUE color for fine sanding or cut.
One ROTO Grinding disc change 10 other sanding or grinding discs.
1 ROTO Grinding disk = $9.95 + 4.75 S&H
10 Flap Grinding discs = $55.00 or more
ROTO Grinding disc is able to sand or grind few layers of old dry paint in a matter of second all the way to the wood (see photos or watch video in this gallery).
NOTE: The ROTO GRINDING discs are not for use to grind, cut or sand any kind of metal materials, it is for soft material only. Make sure before start to cut or sand with ROTO disc to remove all nails, screws, staples or any metals from that surface.
Contact Info: Should you need to contact me, please feel free to email me. I will usually answer within the day.
Check my store for other discs deals.
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